About Enchanted Lands

en-chan-ted | \in-’CHan-tid\


1. filled with delight; charmed.

2. under a spell; bewitched; magical


As an initiative,

Enchanted Lands aims to disrupt the status quo of isolation and disconnection in our modern family lives by removing barriers to immersive work and wellness practices, thereby enabling a more enjoyable balance of work, passion, and ease.

As a concept,

Enchanted Lands bows to the experience of deep enjoyment that arises when we feel a sense of belonging and ease in our lives. When we relax in nature and tune-in to the here and now, both our inner and outer landscapes spring alive. A feeling of joy follows as we remember that Spirit moves through all things, and that every land is enchanted. 


Enchanted Lands aims to remove obstacles to wellness and immersive work for all community members in proximity to North Marin. We embrace a liberative mind-set and aim to provide a safe and welcoming experience for all people. Need-based arrangements may be available.

Please contact me with questions.


Are you following Covid Guidelines?

  • Yes. We are following county guidelines. Our workspaces are physically distanced, well ventilated and clean. A variety of outdoor options are available as well.

Are spaces available outside of regularly scheduled hours and days?

  • Members get unlimited access to the space via a coded key box.

Do you do trades?

  • Enchanted Lands aims to remove obstacles to wellness and immersive work for all people in Northern Marin. We will do our best to support need-based requests. Contact me to discuss.

What will my kids be doing during kid care? 

  • We have kid-counselors available upon request and can accommodate up to 5 kids at a time. Kids will play mostly outside exploring nature or doing a variety of free-play activities such as craft projects, building Legos, playing board games, etc.

What is the age range for kids?

  • Our counselors are prepared to work with a range of age groups as long as kids are out of diapers and can use the restroom with minimal assistance.

What if my kid needs a nap or is still in diapers?

  • Enchanted Lands aims to remove obstacles to wellness and immersive work for all families in Northern Marin. While we do not have a designated plan for this, perhaps we can get creative. Contact me to discuss.

Do I have to be a mother/woman to participate?

  • Not at all! More than anything, Enchanted Lands aims to enliven and coalesce an ecosystem that acknowledges the vibrant (but often underground) economy of feminine support that makes the world go round. If that is you - YOU are us!

 Our Location

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We have closed our physical location. If you’d like to know about our pop-up events, send me a quick message here.