Friday Salon Series

from $0.00

Wellness Practice, Refreshments and Spirited Discussion with a variety of teachers and cohosts

This Friday’s Program:

November 19, 5:00-8:00 pm

CoCreating the New Paradigm:

Sustainability in Birth Work

Doulas and Midwives so much time caring for others. Join us under the full moon to offer that care to yourself and each other. We will be creating a cozy birth cave to nurture you - soft lights, pleasant scents, the whole shebang…

Gather with us for food, rejuvenation and community.

5:00-5:30 :: Gather on deck for warm food and hot drinks

5:30-6:45 :: Settle inside our cozy “birth cave” for relaxing Yoga Nidra experience

6:45-8 :: Reflection and Spirited Discussion


Mask, mug and journal


Yoga Nidra is a lying down, restful sort of meditation. You will want to be comfortable on the floor. You can make yourself more comfortable by bringing extra pillows or cushions and a blanket or warm layer.


These events are offered as Pay-What-You-Can.

$15 - Suggested Base Contribution

$0 - Gratis (If cost is an issue please register and come anyway!)

$30 - Support the Work (If you are able to contribute more, please do.)


Taylor Newcomb is a Birth Doula and student Midwife serving families in the SF Bay Area.

Taylor has been working with children for over a decade, as a nanny and has always had a passion for supporting families.

After attending her first birth in 2016, she decided to follow a deep calling to join the Birth World. She trained at Natural Resources and is currently a student at the National Midwifery Institute. With a calm, “can do” attitude, she helps parents explore all their options during pregnancy and birth.

"I believe that births are best supported by listening to your body and creating an environment filled with love, trust, connection and calm.

Find her at

*For detailed updates, sign-up for our newsletter. Childcare may be available. Please contact us with questions.

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